Does writing regularly help in SEO?

Writing regularly definitely helps in generating more traffic. And if the article is written with landing pages or services in mind, it does boost chances of ranking, provided the article internally links to the landing page in a natural way.

As an SEO Consultant taking pride in providing one of the best SEO Services in Australia, I run a lot of experiments to keep myself updated with the latest algorithm changes, and the SEO environment.

Case Study 1 - 3 weeks away from keyboard

Most recently I am back from a short 4 week holiday. I enjoyed it to the fullest. And though time had permitted me to write a few articles on the go, I wanted to stay away from the keyboard for the whole trip. I wanted to test one of my main sites how it reacted to the hiatus.

The results were pretty obvious and what I expected. To summarize, here are the main key results:

  1. Total clicks went down by 13.65%
  2. Impression went down by 13.54%
  3. Conversion/Lead generation went down by 40%

Lately, I have been writing extensively around keyword volume and targeting the traffic worldwide. I used to limit the writing focusing on Australia and Sydney. My last few blog posts are now generating more than 30% of my traffic. I had been able to cope with traffic lost to AI tools, thanks to extensive research I had been doing lately. And in turn had made me a good SEO strategist and Content strategist.

Case Study 2 - one year away from freelancing

Just before covid, when my freelancing and full time role was going really well, I opted to enjoy life and opted to stay away from freelancing.

The results that I found after a year gap were pretty amazing. Something that I wasn’t expecting. I always ranked my sites around competitive keywords and location based long tail keywords.

These were the results I found after:

  1. For challenging keywords, I did lose significant rankings
  2. Surprisingly, for long tail keywords, i was still in page #1 for most of the keywords

I initially thought I had a mountain to climb, and I was expecting at least 6 months to a year to get my challenging keywords ranking. But surprisingly, I was able to get those rankings after 2 or 3 months.

Does writing regularly helps in SEO

If you ask me this question, I will say big YES, it does. Having started as WordPress Developer and now doing SEO Consultancy, I can tell you honestly that writing quality content regularly helps in SEO rankings for sure.

Whether it’s niched based websites or large corporate websites, publishing quality content on a regular interval is key to SEO success.

But there is one more thing ...

I put quality content on top of my list as an SEO. But, I also think most of the websites have done really well because of the quality of my front-end coding.

Clients that work with me have the advantage of hiring a seasoned WordPress Developer who have built websites and solutions for various businesses in Australia.

One of the things I hate is to see bloated page builders that output bloated html with nested divs. Whenever I do competitor research and see sites ranking reasonably with bloated page builders, it gives me a tremendous amount of confidence that I can at least beat them with ease.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am a multi-disciplined SEO consultant and web developer focusing around WordPress Development, website design and SEO. I am a WordPress Developer by profession, also focus around SEO Services.